Sunday, August 13, 2017

Seeking the Beloveds Kiss

This frustration –

Seeking, seeking, seeking

And not one curl of my beloved do I see.

Hiding behind your veil,

I know you are fanning my desire beloved

My deep longing burns,

Ignited by separation and love.

Longing, burning, melting,

Pain of separation, limitation, blindness –

I surrender Beloved, I give up!

So tired, no longer can I continue such endless seeking;
Heart Bereft, lost, a failure to your love -

I lay down myself - darkness comes.

Gently, a kiss

upon the lips of my heart,

A rose scented breeze caressing my face.
What, what is this awakening?

No, not for I, I am gone, but yet do I live?
Rising, dusting off ashes from my heart,

So softly I call: Is it you Beloved ?

and find the answer in my tears.

Longing for Rumi's Beloved

This barren longing,

This lack of capacity

to feel Thy embrace Beloved,

Is breaking my heart.

My longing for thy kiss,

is a desert longing for rain,

it makes the cracks in my soul deeper and

in the cracks some flame is kindled on

the bone dry tinder of myself.

I wail,

I know it is wailing because I’ve heard it before,

In the Friends who’ve mingled love with separation;

Like those friends, I find myself beginning to turn -

It is the only thing that seems to ease the pain,

Like melting in some all-pervading ocean.

As my heart turns – it calls out this song:

Longing the fuel,

Love the flame,

I will burn `til morning

when nothing remains
but YOU.

Blind Reunion - Call and I will Answer

  It’s a mystery,  This Reunion with the Beloved. We don’t have to know her,  we just have to long for her. Then when we call her name, ...